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Our Services


You need a web design firm that gets small businesses.

Tonia Eaton owner Raven Enterprises

Here at Raven Enterprises, we understand small businesses because we ARE one. I’m Tonia Eaton and I’ve been involved with small businesses in some capacity for over 20 years. 

Raven Enterprises, located in Salinas, CA, is the digital marketing firm you need for your small, local business. We’ve mastered the art of finding customers online and telling them how you can solve their problems. We don’t just stop there. We continue to build a community of loyal customers because that’s the key to growing your business – focusing on existing customers. 

It’s time to grow your business!

Growing your business is a simple process. You simply need to find your customers, tell your story and build long-term relationships. 


Find Your People

Target your market. You know if your customers knew about you, they would become loyal customers.


Tell Your Story

A compelling story that resonates with your target market. People don’t buy your product, they buy your “why”. 


Loyal Customers

Consistent marketing that adapts to your customers’ needs is the key to long-term growth.